Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Root of My Positive Attitude

Many listen to me talk as I turn everything into a positive no matter how dire the situation and get aggravated. Some get irritated. And then others just wonder how one person can be so stinkin’ positive all of the time. You are about to discover the answer..........

Many of you know that I have had multiple abdominal surgeries due to a hereditary disease called Familial Polyposis. When I was 12 years old I was in New York University Hospital recovering from my first major surgery to remove half of my colon when I was introduced to my roommate, Lisa next to me. Now let me tell you, before the surgery and right after I don’t think that my attitude was all that great. I was in the why me stage and also very scared. Spending time with Lisa changed my attitude for the rest of my life. Lisa was 12 also and was dying from cancer. So here next to me was someone my very own age who was dying......suddenly my situation did not seem all that grim. I learned from that point on that there is always someone worse off than me and that I should be thankful for my situation no matter how hard. Through the difficult times in my life I have grown stronger and learned to rely on God more.

Another influence on my attitude was my mom. My mom and I were like best friends (except during those rough late teenage years!). We shared a lot together, including our hereditary disease, our many doctors appointments, our many tests, and surgeries. When mom would go into the hospital would often go a different way than expected, one time almost cost her her life when she spent 9 weeks in the hospital. Mom had many surgeries, treatments but always no matter how bad she felt had the most amazing attitude. Mom was always thinking of others despite what she was facing. Mom “graduated” way to early in 1990 but her legacy of her positive attitude that she modeled for me will always live on.

So when you think you are having a bad moment, day, week, or life.....I challenge you to look around outside of your world and see what others are struggling with......it can be an eye opening experience.

Have a blessed day!

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