Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dog Days

I was never a dog person growing up. I was bitten as a child so that gave me reason enough to fear dogs well into adulthood. Then about 9 years ago I accepted a position at Gaston Hospice as a home nurse. I have never worked somewhere where dogs are a regular part of your week as they are at Gaston Hospice. Of course being in home care for the first time there were dogs everywhere I went and I started to warm up to being around dogs and let down my guard a little......still held a strong respect for dogs though and kept my distance when I felt they were not too happy that I was in their home. I learned to not show my fear even if I was scared to death b/c dogs can read your fear and act on it. Then I started to notice that co workers brought their dogs to work occasionally and I started to spend time around dogs in the office as part of the day. One day I came to the realization that I actually had become fond of dogs. Next thing I knew about 4 years ago we adopted "Princess Ashley" from one of our friends' son and daughter in law. Then a couple years later we purchased Cody Boy from a breeder and our lives have never been so complete. Coming home to these two adorable dogs with their tails wagging as they run to you can brighten any day no matter how difficult!

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