Monday, July 28, 2008

Scotland- The first 48 hours!

We arrived safe but exhausted in Edinburgh, Scotland on Saturday morning at 10am (5am NC time). Our first day they put us into a tour van and took us to Linlithgow Palace for the day to keep us awake. This area outside of Edinburgh is extremely relaxed and calm. We sat out by the "Loch" (lake) and ate lunch together. That evening we met for a mission team meeting and learned about the Scotland customs and about our mission project. We will be working in a dilapidated park near a government housing development mainly populated by single moms and their children. No one will take ownership for the upkeep of this park and is in such disrepair. We walked the park area before dinner on Saturday and many of us prayed as we walked to prepare for the project. These children were out on this sunny afternoon running and playing and laughing in this sad park. Many were bare foot and there was trash and glass everywhere.

I can't wait to share more later, but others are waiting to use this computer so I will close for now and pick up next available time!

Love to you all and thank you for all of the prayers. Know that they are all felt. Excuse the typos as I am exhausted tonight!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Praying for ya'll! I know you are going to have many inspirational stories to share!