Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Scotland Mission Trip Update

We are settling into a daily routine now. We have mission meetings in the morning and late afternoons to recap the previous days work and plan for the days outreach. We spend time in prayer as a group in the am meeting thanking him for the opportunities and asking him to lead us in His direction that day. We work at the community park at Cable Wynd every evening with the local tenants and children. We have been amazed by how quickly the area residents joined in with us to help. Many of the residents come out each time to help. Miss Dixie has led several people to Christ and has been the story teller for the children. She has such a gift! We have been able to clean up much of the park and God has protected it at night so our work has not been destroyed. We are almost ready to paint the playground equipment and have made headway with the overgrown hedges. We have seen many scenic sites in the midst of the days and this has provided us the opportunity to be among the locals and have an impact on them as well.

I will leave you today with a humorous story.....last night while one of the girls in our flat was showering I turned on the oven to warm a bagel and proceeded to blow a breaker because the water is on an electrical system. Stephanie who was in the shower was left soaking wet with shampoo in her hair in a dark flat! Thankfully, she was able to finish her shower in the guys' flat and the guys were able to reset the breaker in a timely manner!

Many blessings! Please continue to pray for our team, the work we are doing and now specifically for the protection of the park.

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